Trouble Ticket Software Demo |
Note: Demo installation is accessible by all visitors. We could not guarantee that the customer accounts and service tickets you configure while evaluating our product will not be altered or deleted by other users. All visitors could observe content of customer records you create with demo application. We do not assume any responsibility for any abuse, which could arise from disclosure of your personal data you have provided to create demo records. Please use fictitious info instead of real names, addresses etc. Please do not enter sensitive information like Social Security Numbers, credit card data. Note: Demo setup uses Layout Designer module, what allows customizing of ticket browser layout. We suggest logging in as an operator first (there are 3 users with to choose from) Operator 2: login=oper2, password=demo Login now Operator 3: login=oper3, password=demo Login now After logging in as an operator you may submit a service ticket on behalf of a customer using this link: Default Contact Form You may also submit new tickets and follow up messages via email address demo at Note: The email piping feature requires purchase of $9.95 |